Remember those Activia ads with Jamie Lee Curtis? Those commercials made probiotics mainstream, but not all probiotics are created equal. If you want to give them a try, you need to know the best probiotic for women. For women? Yes, as in specifically tailored to our bodies and health problems. Unlike “pink products” that simply […]
Best Probiotic for Men Brands to Keep Your System Running
Image from Amazon Choosing the best probiotics for men can prove challenging, made worse by confusing measurements and dosages. For the man who seeks to treat his body like a temple, understanding the use of probiotics is essential. Even the concept of probiotics can prove confusing at first. What are they? What do they do? […]
Top 10 Best Heating Pads of 2019 – Reviews
Ever since the heating pad was first invented in the early 20th century, it has provided people a way to relieve their achy joints, ease general pain and relax muscle sprains. These pads have been a simple, effective and inexpensive way for many people to get the relief they need and it’s probably a good […]
Top 10 Best B12 Supplements of 2019 – Reviews
Most vegans and vegetarians know just how important B12 supplements are for their diet seeing how you can only find it in meat and meat derivatives. As healthy as a plant-based diet may be, you simply cannot find B12 vitamins in any vegetarian dish. Unfortunately, these vitamins are essential for maintaining your body’s red blood […]